
Our Referral Program & Charity of Choice

How to refer friends

We believe in the power of business to create wealth for all

Help us, help other businesses combat poverty

Want to re-imagine what the business world could look like through collaborations and partnerships, so we can pioneer and disrupt industries together?

We do! And we want to do this in such a way where wealth is generated for all.

However, the world we live in is filled with corruption on a systemic level. Here at Mits Griffin, we believe that the opposite of poverty isn’t wealth – but justice. As a faith-filled Kingdom inspired company, we want to address this injustice by supporting other grass-root businesses no matter where they are in the world. With business initiatives that resource, educate and equip everyday people, we believe in businesses that can impact the world… one life at at time….

Our pledge is to contribute up to 10% of core revenue generated from client referrals, towards businesses with the heart to raise third-world countries out of poverty. We love referrals, and if you know another passionate, visionary CEO who might be launching something new, is ready to scale with a small team or is looking for support in implementing their ideas, please do refer us to them. As we help them build their businesses – we’ll be helping otherwise disadvantaged businesses around the world, generate wealth in the places that need it most too! With love,

Our Charity of Choice

First Love Global Ministries

Initially birthed out of a passionate love for Jesus Christ and a deep compassion for hearts broken by trauma, First Love Global, has been instrumental in the relief and prevention of poverty in third world nations – launching initiatives such as child sponsorship, food distributions and community meals, the build of fresh water pumps, the development of accessible schools and education, as well as business grants for community cooperatives and organic farming projects. Our giving will boost the grants needed to support entrepreneurs born into poverty to transform their nation in a sustainable, wealth-perpetuating way, through business and enterprise.

How can an individual, a community, or even a nation be lifted out of poverty and given a hope filled future? Although crisis care can help people who are in desperate need, our vision goes further than this, as we seek to empower them to thrive in life. We have numerous success stories from countries such as Uganda and Pakistan, showing the huge impact made through business start up grants, education and skills training. Many gifted entrepreneurs in low income nations are creative, resilient and hard working, and many are single mothers who are struggling to provide food and education for their children. Through initiatives like this, whole families can be transformed through income generating projects, giving hope not just for the immediate future, but for the next generation as well. Thank you, for helping us do this.

Jane Hunt

Founder - First Love Global

First Love Global Ministry - Small business grants training day
First Love Global Ministry - Cooperative Business
First Love Global Ministry - Organic Farming Seeds
First Love Global Ministry - Small business grants
First Love Global Ministry - Education School
First Love Global Ministry - Organic Farming